Job Opportunity!

PERMANENT ECO FARM HELPER POSITION   Dalew Farms raises Grass-Fed, Grass-Finished Beef and Pasture-Raised Pork. We are very passionate about small-scale ecological and regenerative agriculture and work extremely hard to grow the healthiest and most nutritious food each season in an environmentally sustainable way, while also supporting our local economy by patronising local suppliers. When […]

Dalew Farms Fundraising

Looking for a fun and innovative way to raise funds for your group/cause? Look no further! Our fundraising program is a win win for the community as it helps your local farmer and your community groups! Be it for kids’ sports, a noble cause, etc… we are here to help! Below you will find a […]

Welcome to our new website!

Thank you to everyone that has supported us over the years we hope you enjoy our new website and we look forward to being your family’s personal farmers for many more years to come! Check back here for farm updates or subscribe to our mailing list.